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March 2023 Newsletter

March 2023 Newsletter

Looking to the horizon

Wow what another unusual start to the New Year. Our team have once again been working from home after our office was flooded in the January rains.

This year we welcome a new team member to Horizon, Gene Wintle.

Gene has been working in the Kaipara area as a Survey Assistant for twenty years and has extensive knowledge of the area.

New location

The Horizon office has permanently relocated to 170 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa.

Our team are excited about the new space that gives room for growth, not to mention the opportunity for a lunch time run or swim around the beautiful Orewa Estuary.

Project focus: Barrack Road, Mt. Wellington

The original site had one existing dwelling on a 675 m2 Title and was to be developed with four new dwellings.

Topographical Survey:

We completed a topographical survey for the client to facilitate the design of the four new dwellings.

Set-out Surveys:

We then set-out the stormwater & wastewater drainage lines along with building foundations for construction and provided set-out certificates for the client and Council.

As-Builts & Certification

The Land Use & Building Consents required “Height in Relation to Boundary” (HIRB) certification by a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor (LCS). Following removal of the scaffolding we surveyed the HIRB using conventional Total Station survey equipment and provided the required LCS certification.

Land Transfer Survey

Once we obtained suitable access to the site and fencing was largely completed, we carried out the Land Transfer Survey to peg the Boundaries of each Lot and the Legal Access (Right of Way).

Field work was carried out by one of our Survey Technicians with oversight and certification by one of our Licensed Cadastral surveyors.

As is currently common in Auckland the dwellings are close together leading to internal boundaries on the face of walls, and eaves overhanging boundaries, for which Easements were created for Rights to overhang and maintain.

All services, including electricity, telecommunications & water supply were provided beneath the driveway and covered by easements.

This project was completed by Survey Manger Richard Bromley

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