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Aubrey Road, Stillwater

Aubrey Road, Stillwater

A successful Stillwater subdivision

Councils throughout New Zealand regulate land use in their local area through zoning, typically rural, commercial or residential. Overlays and precincts within the zones apply tighter planning controls. The zoning and precincts and overlays manage the local environment by allowing compatible activities and controlling incompatible activities. As a property owner, knowing your land’s zoning is essential in identifying development opportunities.


At Horizon, our expert planners can quickly identify your property's zoning, including relevant overlays and precinct controls, and guide you through subdivision and development opportunities.

A recent example of this process occurred when a client came to us wanting to subdivide their 6.9-hectare rural property in Stillwater, Auckland. The site had many unique characteristics – two owners, two dwellings, an existing business operation, a flooding overlay, an electricity transmission corridor overlay and a subdivision variation control.

Barfoot & Thompson agent Nik Sams initially contacted Horizon on behalf of one owner to confirm the subdivision potential of the site which would enable them to sell their share. The overarching objective for each of the two owners was that their existing home be on its own parcel of land and for each site to retain future subdivision potential.

Horizon conducted a feasibility study of the site, and with the support of Auckland Council, Transpower and Horizon Surveying, the land was successfully subdivided into two lots. One owner remains living on their property, running their long established family business, and the other owner has sold their home and land to a young couple with future subdivision ambitions, and moved north. A perfect example of a successful collaboration!

If you want to understand your land’s zoning and development potential, contact Horizon – your subdivision experts.

Mike Dance - Planning Manager

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